June 2, 2015

Parade of Homes House Tour and Dream Builder

Happy Tuesday everyone! If you follow me on Instagram, then you might know that this past Saturday my parents were in town from OR and Paul and I went with them to some of the parade of homes in our area. I absolutely love parade of homes and grew up going to it, so it was so fun going with Paul for the first time.  Paul loves architecture and real estate and ever since we started dating he has always constantly looked at houses for fun. Me on the other hand, I grew up living in 9 different houses and grew up riding around looking at houses A LOT (even when we were on vacation) with my parents, so looking at homes has always been apart of my life. That said, since we both share a similar passion in houses it's definitely our goal to one day build a custom home that has all the bells and whistles and architectural details that our dreams are made of. This goal of ours is something that is definitely not in the near future, nor will most likely even be House #2 for us, but if life unfolds according to our plan (which we all know it doesn't usually work like that, but let's just be optimistic for the sake of it) it would be House #3! I'm 23, so I'm perfectly content waiting for years before accomplishing this goal of ours!

 At this point, I couldn't tell you all the details that would comprise of our House #3, but we do know who we want to build it and we had the chance to see one his homes this past weekend on the parade of homes. The builder is Dave Dunsendang Homes and is located in the Grand Rapids area in Michigan and I came across him over a year ago on Zillow and have been in love with his homes ever since. His detailed craftsmanship is beyond swoon worthy and exactly what my dreams are made of.  He was actually at the house that he built during the parade of homes and I had a chance to meet him, and you would of thought I had met a celebrity by how I was acting and how excited and complementing I was about his work.  Besides his craftsmanship, I also love the fact that he is a custom builder that builds the house based off exactly what you want, instead of going off a handful of pre-set floor plans that can only have minor adjustments made to the plan like most builders do. That said, enough about talking about the his work and get to the fun part, the pictures! This house tour was a house from last years parade of homes and was built on a old orchid, swoon!!

My absolute favorite detail is this barrel paneled ceiling. 

An elaborate outdoor space like this isn't part of the plan, but one can dream:)

This bathroom is from one of his other houses, but I couldn't help but share. I mean look at that stand up shower!!

Now can you see why I absolutely love this builder and his craftsmanship? I mean the guy obviously has major skill! If you can tell in the photos, he likes to use a lot of board and batten panelling so after going through his house this past weekend I want to add more panelling in our current house more than ever. 

 Want to stay up to date with more of my home decor, DIY, lifestyle and other posts?  Then follow me along on any of the following so you won't miss out:) 


  1. Such beautiful craftmanship. The guy definitely has talent!

  2. Absolutely beautiful! Thanks for sharing. And I agree, he is very talented.


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