Hi everyone, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and start to the week! I thought today would be a good day to catch you up on things around here.
Some of you may have noticed that projects have been going more slowly around here and the blog posts haven't been as frequent. Things at my day job have been really picking up lately, and all of my large projects that I've been working on for the last year are finally in the process of being implemented which means I'm in charge of overseeing a lot. Since I've been putting extra hours in at work, I no longer have as much extra time after work to work on some home projects. In addition, Paul and I both work from home so now that the weather is becoming warmer, once we both are done working we both want to leave our house since that's were we spend our entire day as is. The same goes for weekends as well. Since we are always in our home, weekends have been spent for the most part everywhere but inside our house. My parents were just recently in town and my in-laws have a cottage 30 minutes from us so we have also been enjoying quality time with our families as well. All this said, I can't promise that it's going to get a ton better at this time, just because we have many trips planned and we both really just want to be outside and enjoy this summer, but I do have a lot of things lined up. I also have several projects completed that I just need to find time to now blog about. I hope you will hang in there with me!
Now on to some things around our house!
1. Our Orchid child that we have had for about four months is still alive and looking rather healthy. I call it our "orchid child' because they say you should get a plant before you own a pet or have kids, and well this is my first house plant so i've been taking my orchid mom duty very seriously. Hah! I've had some people request a blog post on how I've taken care of it and kept it alive so I will be sharing that very soon!